- Dato: 18. feb. 2020 - 21. feb. 2020
- Sted: Fokhol gård, Fokholgutua 216, 2335 Stange
- Se kart
- Arrangør: VitalAnalyse og Soil Resilience (Martin Beck)
Kurset holdes på engelsk.
Program for de fire dagene:
- Day 1: Scientific Foundations - Goethe's Theory of Knowledge. Soil Mechanics - Interpreting soil health and needs, The Biochemical Sequence, The Humus Flywheel, Building the Soil Food Web and How Plants Grow.
- Day 2: Biodynamics and Composting. The Importance of Winter. The Biodynamic Preparations and their Use.
- Day 3: Nutrition from the viewpoint of Elements, Ethers, Astrality and Ego. What is Mechanical Occultism?
- Day 4: Introduction to Dowsing, Homeopathy and Radionics. A Biodynamic Approach to Problem Solving. Demeter brand and the Threefold Social Order.
Kursavgift: ca 10 000 kr. Tre måltid per dag er inkludert. Overnatting er mulig på Fokhol gård, og kommer i tillegg.
Påmeldingsfrist 1. februar 2020 til Ta kontakt med Vibhoda Holten for mer info om kurset.
Learn how agriculture works in harmony with nature and how to improve yields, eliminate weeds and pests and improve crop responses to weather while harvesting both carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the atmosphere and building these into the humus in our soils.
Hugh Lovel is an agricultural consultant serving clients in the United States and Australia. He is the author of many articles on fertility management and crop nutrition as well as topics concerning radionics and biodynamics. He consults, speaks and teaches on all aspects of agriculture.
Hugh built upon his education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and psychology to formulate his concepts and developments during more than 30 years of farming, first in the mountains of northern Georgia, USA, and currently on the tablelands of Tolga, Australia. He is the author of the classic book A Biodynamic Farm and is a frequent contributor to Acres U.S.A. and other magazines, as well as the new book Quantum Agriculture — Biodynamics and Beyond.
- 18. feb. 2020 - 09:00
- 21. feb. 2020